JOY & Fulfillment, BOTH

On & Off The Clock

Imagine finding the perfect job post, applying, and waiting… Only to hear the sound of crickets getting louder.

Raise your hand if you’ve thought, “I don’t know what I’m doing wrong!” 

You’re not alone in feeling stuck, helpless, and overwhelmed. 

Finding your dream job can seem impossible

But the good news is, whether you’re doing this for the first time… Or you’re someone who’s settled for less… Or you just don’t have the time & energy to go through this alone…

You’re in the right place!

I’m Aaron Rodriguez & I’m On A Mission To Get You From “Stuck” To “Thriving” As You Transition Your Career

I’ve been in your shoes- Four times now, to be exact. I understand that helplessness… that frustration… I understand your pain all too well.

I remember how I longed to have someone tell me “Here’s your blueprint,” so I could avoid all the pain I was feeling.

Now, if you’re here, you’re probably already feeling that way.

That’s why I want to give you that much-deserved, long-awaited hug, because you, my friend, are still resilient… 

You’re still here, trying hard to find a way to get to your dream job. 

And if you’re feeling exhausted, I hope my story reignites your drive…

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From Overworked, Underpaid, And Unappreciated

To Spearheading HR At A Rapidly Growing Climate Tech Company


I understand the pain of working for organizations that take you for granted. And there comes a point when the rationalizations & justifications like….

“Oh, but it’s a good company,” or “Am I going to find better in this market?”

Just don’t cut it anymore! 

There comes a time when you decide NOT to settle for less anymore! When you decide to step into your power.

When you realize it’s time to bet ON YOU!

Those times of transition changed my life. Allowed me to triple my salary in five years.

Today, I work as Head of HR Technology, People Analytics, and Compensation at an amazing mission-driven climate tech company.
And if you’re wondering, why then, am I coaching… Read on.

Career Coaching Chose Me And Not The Other Way Round...

I never planned on becoming a career coach. But there came a time when I just couldn’t ignore that voice within me.

It all started when the pandemic left my closest friends & colleagues without a stable paycheck. Watching them go through the anxiety and uncertainty shook things up within me.

And I almost instinctively created a plan for them to land the job they longed for!

A job that gave them certainty in their future, allowed them to live the life they desired, and work with people who shared their values, all in an environment built for their growth.

Now, I’ve always been drawn to roles that contribute to people’s growth. 

Whether it’s working at my grad school’s career development department, mentoring people at my previous jobs, or writing about mental health and its importance.

So, for me, this desire to share my knowledge wasn’t new. 

But as I helped my friends land their dream jobs and regain their confidence… This drive to help more people grew stronger!

So, I decided to lean in and help as many people as I could. 

Along the way, I was able to turn my rough “action plan” to land that great job into a true career coaching blueprint. 

The kind that I searched for way back when.

That’s why ARC Career Coaching is Chicago’s ONLY success-based system for job transitions.

Meaning, that you only pay for as good as we do together.

And I’m so grateful that my mission chose me… Because I’ve helped my clients land their dream jobs in

Listen To What My Clients Are Saying

Navigating a challenging job market can often feel like navigating a maze without a compass. However, having Aaron as my career coach transformed this journey into a guided tour with a clear destination. From our very first interaction, it became evident that Aaron is genuinely passionate about aiding individuals in their career paths. His intelligence pairs perfectly with his passion, giving him a unique edge in discerning one's strengths and areas for improvement. Aaron does not take a one-size-fits-all approach; it was clear in each of our sessions that his coaching was tailored to my specific circumstances. As I aimed for highly competitive roles in a stringent market, he stood by me, helping me brand myself distinctively. What truly sets Aaron apart is his unparalleled commitment. He not only accommodates different schedules but also ensures that every piece of advice he offers has the potential to make a monumental impact. With his guidance, my interview skills underwent a significant transformation, making me stand out in a sea of candidates. To sum it up, Aaron didn't just help me land a job; he helped me turn challenges into opportunities. Anyone seeking a career coach who offers both heartfelt support and actionable insights need look no further than Aaron. He is truly a beacon for professionals in a tough market.
Yuyan Sun
Head of People Analytics at Motive
Yuyan Sun
Giang Pham
Aaron has been a great career coach. His greatest strengths lie in strategy, emotional support, and motivation to navigate the challenging days of the process. Without Aaron, I'd be too demotivated to continue this process. What I realized about working with Aaron is that looking for a job is emotionally taxing; you need a sense of structure, accountability, and strategy or just someone skilled to vent or reflect with when all the things you've done are not yet fruitful. It's not a one-size-fits-all approach, he has expertise to give people in all situations and job contexts.
Giang Pham
Full Stack Engineer at Windfall

It’s Time To Step Into Your Excellence & Live The Fulfilling Life You’ve Always Dreamed Of

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